Develop Your Self-Discipline to Succeed As an Entrepreneur

You’ve got a cup of coffee, your ipod, and a full tank of gas, and 500 miles to cover by sundown. As you cruise onto the highway and get up to speed (exactly 4 miles over the posted speed limit), you set the cruise control. Why? Because the cruise control is an excellent tool for…


No Matter When You Plan to Start a Business, Save NOW For Startup

Oleksiy Nesterenko: The biggest hurdle for most would-be entrepreneurs is figuring out how to finance the startup. A viable business cannot be started for free, and the reality is that the early expenses, at the very least, are going to come from the owner’s pocket. If you have any designs on turning your great business…


How should the financial dashboard of a CEO look? Ask Oleksiy Nesterenko

As the CEO of a new business entity, there are many aspects that you need to take care of. However, at the startup stage, your financial dashboard needs to be in the ideal path. With the help of the right business plans and financial strategies, you can achieve the same without any hassles. If you…


Put Yourself on the Path to Entrepreneurship – Oleksiy Nesterenko

Tens of thousands of Americans have a dream of owning their own business. For some, the idea of taking control of their work life is a huge motivator. For others, it’s the desire to increase personal wealth that drives them. Whether you are looking to just replace your current income with an independent work life…


Want to Plan Your Unique Fundraising Idea – Hire Oleksiy Nesterenko

Deciding that you need a unique fundraising idea is one thing, coming up with the idea is a different thing altogether. In this article we’ll try to get you started. You could try using a search engine as your starting point. Unfortunately, a lot of the time, what this brings up are lists and lists…


Qualities by Oleksiy Nesterenko that Define A Successful Entrepreneur

Being a successful entrepreneur means more than starting new ventures every other day. It means the right attitude towards a business and the determination and grit to achieve success. A successful entrepreneur has a strong inner drive that helps him or her to succeed. Let us take a look at the qualities that go into…


Consultative Selling – The Best Sales Technique

Whatever product or services you offer you can use consultative selling as a way to help your prospect come to a buying decision with you without seeming like a high pressure sales person, without pushing your offer down their throat and without them feeling that they are being sold to in a high pressure way.…


Take Control of Your Work Life. How? Open a Business!

Like it or not, working is a fact of life for the majority of us. We are pretty much guaranteed to spend at least 40 years at a full-time job…longer if the retirement plan ends up tanking with the rest of the economy. But that doesn’t mean every day has to be a grind, waiting…


An Overview by Oleksiy Nesterenko on Operational Excellence Deployment

Between operations, merchandising, marketing and facility upkeep, retail business owners have their hands full. Managing the details of retail is the difference between making it or not. All too often, retail owners become lax in their operation and put themselves at an unnecessary disadvantage with their customers. It may seem elementary, yet so many retailers…


Having Proper Relationships with Your Investors is Vital: Oleksiy Nesterenko

Many entrepreneurs have a tough time in getting started and it is a lack of proper financial planning that results in a failed endeavor. There are many business persons who believe in having the best strategies at the time of start up in order to increase the ROI in the long run. All of you…
